Sherbrook Primary School


Discoverer 1

Welcome to Discoverer 1. We are a lower key stage 2 class.  Emma is the Teacher. Helen (Mon - Wed) and Jo L are the Teaching Assistants. Leah, Kim and Denise  are the ISA's. 

Discoverer 1 Staff

Autumn 1:

The children have all settled back into school really well and have been working hard in all their lessons.

Maths We have been learning about place value and counting objects to a 100 by making groups of 10’s, we have used lots of different objects around the classroom to make our groupings.

English We have been looking at Wh questions? Writing sentences and learning to use exclamation marks. We have enjoyed listening to different stories where we have discussed in small groups questions and how to follow instructions.

Topic We are really enjoying our Stoneage topic learning about different pre-historic animals and the role of the cave man. We have looked and explored fossils and we were lucky enough to visit Hoo Zoo in Telford to learn more about the animals and how they lived, all those years ago.

Forest School

In forest school we used bow and arrows pretending we were Caveman and hunting for our food we aimed bows at a target, we have also mash up fruit to use as paint.

Autumn 2:

Our topic is Food Glorious Food



Please can you check your child’s folder for any letters, certificates or messages.

Please send reading books and reading records back in every day.

Forest school – Tuesdays

PE -Thursdays


Thank you for your continued support.