Explorer 4
Overview of class:
Welcome to Explorer 4 class. We are an ASC class. Our Teacher is Sarah. Our Teaching Assistant is Sam F. Yasmin, Ange (Mon-Tues), Sharon (Wed - Fri) and Emma are the ISA's. Sam E helps support us on a Friday.
Explorer 4 Staff
Autumn 2:
This half term we have worked hard and had some lovely experiences.
Our topic has been ‘Let’s Look Through the Window’ and we have looked at the different kinds of weather we experience like wind, sun, snow and ice, rain and rainbows and cloud. We have explored lots of resources to do with each theme, made a wind sock, did a rainbow experiment and played in the snow when we had it. We have also looked at the celebration of Christmas and have made calendars, cards and tree decorations.
In maths, we have been learning to match – object to object and object to picture, make sets in a variety of ways, sorting colours, and some children have moved on to simple addition and subtraction.
We have continued to practice our phonics and reading skills and working hard on developing our communication skills.
We have been working on our spreading skills when making toast and sandwiches, decorated Christmas biscuits and made melting snowmen biscuits.
We had the opportunity to visit the Snowdome at Tamworth which was lots of fun. We had snow play with slides, a theatre production and a carousel ride and animal experience.
Spring 1:
Next half term our topic is ‘Dinosaurs’.
We have PE on Tuesday afternoons; please can you send children in the PE kits on this day (jogging bottoms are fine in the cold weather)
On Monday afternoons, we have Outdoor Learning so please can you send your child in appropriate outdoor wear or send them in for us to put on in school.
Please make sure the home school diary is sent in to school each day so we can tell you all the exciting things we have been doing during the day.
We have our library sessions on Thursday afternoons so can you please send their library books in for that day please.
Reading folders are required each week on Wednesdays so we can monitor their progress.
Thank you for all your help and support this half term, it is always appreciated.
Explorer 4 class photos
Thank you for your continued support.