Useful links
Child Friendly Sites / Education Activities
A great site for children to learn with familiar characters from reading, singing, science and artwork it’s all here to discover.
Kids Only site is excellent and will provide some excellent flash software to download.
A great site for resources and activities with your child, have fun!
This site has free downloadable colouring pages and other activities for you to use with your child.
Quick Practice packs are perfect home learning activities! These fun, bite-size resource packs cover Maths and English National Curriculum objectives and Early Learning Goals for all year groups.NSPCC: - preventing abuse - keeping children safe/underwear rule
A site for information regarding keeping children safe.
A site to assist with communication.
Dyslexia links:
Below are a few links providing more information and guidance about Dyslexia.
Financial Support/Advice
Details of many benefits can be found at or by phoning the Benefit Enquiry Line Tel- 0800 88 22 00
Child Benefit
A pack to claim is usually issued with your Bounty Pack or when you register the birth. If you have not received one you can print one off at or phone 0845 302 1444.
This benefit is not means tested.
Sure Start Maternity Grant
If you’re on low income this is a one off payment to help towards the cost of a new baby. You may claim from 29 weeks pregnant up until your baby reaches 3 months old. A claim form can be obtained from Jobcentre Plus or you can print off form SF100 at
Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
Payable in two parts and either or both can be claimed.
Care Component
Mobility Component (this can sometimes be claimed for children with learning difficulties / behaviour problems on the grounds of keeping safe as well as by those with mobility difficulties.) If the higher rate is awarded you will be eligible to receive a Motability car in place of the benefit payment if you choose.
NB. Once you are awarded DLA you must ensure that you inform the Child Tax Credits Office as there are extra amounts for those in receipt of DLA.
Car Adaptations
If your child is awarded the higher rate Motobility Component of DLA and you choose to have a car through the Motability Scheme there are grants available to help fund the cost of adaptations to the car. These are means tested and also available to private car owners.
Contact DLA or Motability for details.
M6 Toll Road Pass
If your child is awarded higher rate Motability Component of DLA you can apply for an exemption pass entitling you to travel free on the M6 Toll Road as long as your child is in the car. There is a small admin fee for this card.
Carer’s Allowance
A weekly allowance that can be claimed by anyone who is looking after someone who gets the middle or higher rate of DLA for personal care, providing that they are caring for at least 36 hours per week.
Tel-01253856123 Carer’s Allowance Unit
Direct Payments
An alternative way for social care services and support to be provided to parents/carers of children and young people with disabilities.
Tel-0800 1313126
This system gives choice and flexibility to parents but does involve some organisation and regular paperwork. There are Organisations that can help with this e.g. The Rowan Organisation, who have a very useful website which explains how Direct Payments work. or tel-02476322860
Road Tax Exemption / Parking Blue Badge Scheme
If your child gets the higher rate of DLA (Mobility Component) you should automatically have been sent a Road Tax Exemption form.
You may also be able to claim a parking badge by contacting your local Council.
Continence Support
If your child is not toilet trained by the time they start school, support is available form the school nurse regarding all aspects of toilet training. Please call the school office to request the contact details.
Council Tax Disabled Band Reduction Scheme
In certain circumstances you may be able to claim a reduction if a disabled person lives in your home and you have a room that has been adapted in some way for their use. If eligible your Council Tax will be charged at the rate for the band below your property.
Contact your local Council for more information or see website.
Social Fund
If you get Income Support you may be able to get a Community Care Grant to pay for certain items which you cannot afford out of weekly benefits. These may include items such as clothing, bedding, laundry equipment, safety items etc. To find out more contact your local Jobcentre Plus or Social Security Office and ask for form SF300.
Capped Water Bills
Some water boards will cap your bills if you receive certain benefits.
Check with your supplier.
Preferential Rates with Gas Suppliers
Some gas suppliers give preferential rates if someone within your household has a disability. Most also hold a register whereby if there is any disruption to the supply you will be informed and will have priority to have your supply reinstated. Check with your supplier.
TV Licence Discount
If you or someone you live with is blind or severely sight impaired, you qualify to receive a 50% reduction in the cost of your TV licence.
Wheelchair / Oversized Pushchair
If your child still requires a pushchair past the normal age they may be eligible for a wheelchair or oversized pushchair. Request a referral to “Wheelchair Services” from your GP/Physio/OT
Family Fund
This organisation will give grants for things that make life easier and more enjoyable for severely disabled children and their families, such as washing machines, driving lessons, hospital visiting costs, computers and holidays. This will be means tested.
Contact or phone 0845 130 4542
A unique charity set up to help improve the lives of children with brain related conditions through researching, educating and directly supporting children and their carers.
The most direct way in which they offer support is financial assistance through their grant scheme, Speech and Language Therapy voucher scheme and Wills and Trusts scheme. They try to give practical and emotional support through services such as their sleep service and stress helpline.
Organisations Offering Grants/Equipment:
-The Family Fund- Tel: 0845 130 4542
-BDF Newlife- Tel: 01543 468 888
-Caudwell Children- Tel: 01782 600812
This site has general financial information with specific areas on coping with unexpected financial changes, budgeting, debt advice and information you become ill/disabled.
Other Useful Organisations
-MENCAP (Mid Staffs) Tel- 01785 606675
-Contact a Family Tel-0808 808 3555
-Carer’s Association South Staffs (CASS) Tel-01785 606675
-Staffs Parent Partnership Tel01785 356921
The National Autistic Society offering support, services and up to date news and events.
Parents of disabled children can feel very alone and bewildered by all the services and information out there. Cerebra’s Parent Support Department aim to help by offering information, support and various services that parents have told us would help them. It is a very informative website offering support and much more including grants.
An early years website which includes areas for advice, information, discussion and interaction between disabled and non-disabled children, parents and professionals.
Contact a Family (CaF) is a UK charity helping families who care for children with any disability or special need . The website has information on over 1,000 rare syndromes and rare disorders and can put families in touch with each other.
This website is to help support brothers and sisters of people with disabilities. The group offers the opportunity for siblings to communicate with their peers and share their feelings and fears. It’s a modern exciting group where the members take an active role in the organisation and the decision making.
connecting you with help and support in your community.