Sherbrook Primary School

Working together

At Sherbrook Primary we believe that the success of our pupils depends on developing a strong partnership with parents and carers. 

Parent Teacher Communication

We believe in open communication between parents and teachers.

If parents are worried about their child in any way the teachers are always there to discuss, share, advise and work together with parents in resolving any issues. 

Please feel free to communicate any issues through the home/school diary. You can, of course, also ring the school to discuss matters or provide information but please ring outside of lesson times if you wish to speak directly to classroom staff.  We can also arrange individual meetings if they are required.

The school also uses text messaging to communicate with parents and send reminders about events (It is not possible to reply to this service.) Please make sure the school has your up to date mobile number to ensure you receive these text messages.

We also have regular parent’s evenings each year where you will be invited into school to discuss your child’s progress with their teacher/s.

Home and School Diaries

Your child will be issued with a home school diary when they start back to school in September (or as soon as they start the school for children starting mid-year). The function of this diary is to communicate messages between school staff and parents/carers. The children should bring this diary into school each day, where it will be checked and read by staff. Also, your child will take the diary home at the end of the day so parents/carers can read any messages from staff. The diary is a useful way of communicating between staff and parents/carers. We urge you to check the diary each evening, in case there is a message in there for you. Staff try to write in the diaries as frequently as possible, although it may not always be every day.

Annual reviews

Once a year parents/carers will be invited into school to attend an Annual Review meeting for their child. An Annual Review is a review of a child’s Statement/EHC plan. A child’s Statement/EHC plan must be reviewed at least once every 12 months to check the child’s progress and the Statement/EHC plan’s continuing relevance. An Annual Review will not always lead to changes in the child or young person’s Statement/EHC plan. The Annual Review meeting is arranged by the child’s head teacher and will be held at their school. The child’s teacher and a representative of the Local Authority (LA) should also attend. Other relevant professionals are also invited; they often submit a report rather than attend the meeting.

Individual Learning Plans(ILP)

An ILP is a teaching and learning plan and sets out targets and actions for the child that are different from or additional to those that are in place for the rest of the class.

Each pupil in the school currently has an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) which is written by staff. The ILP is reviewed 3 times a year by the teacher, and parents receive reports on their child’s progress towards their targets. After the ILP has been reviewed, the teacher will then write a new ILP for the child with their new targets on. As parents/carers you will receive your own copy of this ILP so that you know which targets your child is working towards. 

Positive Behaviour Support Plans (PBSP)

At Sherbrook each class has systems for ensuring children behave well. Stickers and praise are given for good behaviour. However if children exhibit poor behaviour they may miss some of their ‘golden time’. If the whole class behaviour systems are not working effectively for your child and there are still behaviour issues, then they will be issued with an Positive Behaviour Support Plan (IBP).

Parents/carers will be invited to a meeting to discuss their child’s PBSP. The PBSP will be agreed with the parents and shared with the child and the staff. Progress on this plan will be monitored closely and parents will be informed of any changes good and bad in their child’s behaviour.

A Positive Behaviour Support Plan (PBSP) is a school based and coordinated intervention to help individual pupils to improve their social, emotional and behavioural skills. As a result of an PBSP pupils should be able to better manage their behaviour. It is additional to any ILP the child may have.